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Members can write reviews about escorts, have a own internal messenger for communication and save favourites constantly.
Escorts can publish their profile details for FREE.
Escort agencies can publish their agency profile and add up to 6 escort profiles for FREE.

Please select if you register as member or as individual (as escort) or as escort agency.

IMPORTANT! You can NOT change this selection later: Are you a member or an escort or an agency?
It's only allowed to create ONE account per person. Additional created accounts will be immediately deleted without any notification.
If we believe you are involved in human trafficing activities, your account will be closed immediately and you will get reported to the appropriate authorities in your country. If you or someone you know, works under coercion, please visit Trafficking.Help for help in your country.

How to Register

Registration is FREE!
Please fill the form above and submit. You can login then and start writing reviews, using internal messenger and save favorites constantly (Member) or adding your profile details and pictures (Escort / Agency).

Please note (Escort / Agency):
New and updated escort and agency profiles remain unapproved until one of our team members reviews and approves your profiles (usually within 24 hours). You will then receive a confirmation email when your escort profiles are published and live at the HappyEscorts escorts search engine and directory.

Agencies without or with only one escort will be deleted (you must add at least 2 escort)!
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