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Melisa (25, femeie) - Escorta Istanbul

✓ Video verificat din mai 2024
Melisa, 25 de ani, Istanbul / Turcia Escorte - 1
Melisa, 25 de ani, Istanbul / Turcia Escorte - 2
Melisa, 25 de ani, Istanbul / Turcia Escorte - 3
Melisa, 25 de ani, Istanbul / Turcia Escorte - 4
Melisa, 25 de ani, Istanbul / Turcia Escorte - 5
Melisa, 25 de ani, Istanbul / Turcia Escorte - 6
Melisa, 25 de ani, Istanbul / Turcia Escorte - 7
Melisa, 25 de ani, Istanbul / Turcia Escorte - 8
Melisa, 25 de ani, Istanbul / Turcia Escorte - 9
Melisa, Vârsta 25+
Istanbul / Curcan
Ultima conectare: acum 2
Escort of the Week
Escorta săptămânii
  • Tip: Escortă independentă
  • Gen: Femeie
  • Orientare sexuala: Bisexual
  • Fumat: Nu Fumator
  • Înălţime: 163 cm
  • Marimea sutienului: 75b
  • Etnie: european
  • Tipul corpului: corp feminin
  • Arte corporale: Tatuaje
  • Culoarea părului: păr blond
  • Culoarea ochilor: de culoare galbenă
  • Intim: complet ras
  • Limba(e): vorbește turcă și engleză, rusă
75 EUR pe jumatate de ora
100 EUR pe ora
1000 EUR Pentru o zi plină
plata acceptata
Numerar, Transfer bancar
Disponibil pentru
Doamnelor, Femei, Cupluri, 2 Domnilor, Grup (3 sau mai mult)
Disponibil pentru
Melisa îi place
cocktail-uri, șampanie, scâncet roșu, vin alb, bucătărie locală, bucătărie franceză, bucătărie italiană, bucătărie japoneză, margarete, orhidee, trandafiri, sport, muzicale, călătorii
Melisa de asemenea, place
despre Melisa
Melisa, Vârsta 25, Femeie, Escortă în Istanbul / Turcia. Are 163 cm, par blond, ochi de culoarea alunei si un corp feminin. Melisa vorbește turcă și îi plac cocteilurile, șampania, whine roșu, vinul alb, bucătăria locală, bucătăria franceză, bucătăria italiană, bucătăria japoneză, margaretele, orhideele, trandafirii, sporturile, muzicale și călătoriile. Melisa este disponibil pentru Outcall.
Apel Melisa
Vă rugăm să spuneți, că provineți de la HappyEscorts.
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NU plătiți în avans prin Transcash, bilete PCS, Neosurf, BITCOIN sau orice alte metode de plată. Ofertele de plată anticipată sunt în mare parte înșelătorii! Va rog sa ne raportati astfel de profiluri!
Recenzii (1) 1
she is a thief
din John
But I made the appointment at the beginning of last week… and this for 2 hours…on Sunday evening from 22:00-00:00
I needed to pay 200€ + taxi…
I needed t pay her 250€ total and she was only 15min away from me
And I needed to send my location and roomkey…she asked for my name and when I ask for a foto to verify that is was really her.. she says that she was verified on de site…and did not get foto in advance
When she arrived she discussed the amount that I had to pay for about 15min and needed to pay first…sow I did…
Yes she had tattoos in the same places but she had black hair not blond brown…was about 15 to 20kg heavier than on the foto’s and had heavy stretch marks on her belly… in her profile she is 1m63 tall but she was as tall as me and I’m 1m72…
This was my first time I’ve ever done this and I ask for in the 2h that if she would do a striptease and if she would bring massage oil with her sow that would make a good time… on WhatsApp is was all good and she would bring it all and answer with kisses and hearts on it all…
But she arrived with nothing.. if I ask her for it she didn’t understand it and hardly speaks English…we had use a translate app for it all… then when I showed her the profile she said that’s all fake…this is Turkey…every thing is fake here…foto are from internet and shopt….
When I let her know that I’m really not happy about this she called someone and said that she will be sending a other girl that was alsow in the car… and she walked out…2 minutes she said…
Never seen her again and she didn’t pic up her phone…didn’t text me back…
he try to assault me and not give my money
din Melisa
he is liar
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Melisa (25)
Preț/h 100 EUR
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